China Travel Photography Maps Site Map Location List

Region: 江苏Jiangsu

苏州市图片Suzhou City Pictures

  • Picture of 苏州市 Suzhou City
  • Picture of 苏州市 Suzhou City
  • Picture of 苏州市 Suzhou City
  • Picture of 苏州市 Suzhou City
  • Picture of 苏州市 Suzhou City
  • Picture of 苏州市 Suzhou City
  • Picture of 苏州市 Suzhou City
  • Picture of 苏州市 Suzhou City
  • Picture of 苏州市 Suzhou City
  • Picture of 苏州市 Suzhou City
  • Picture of 苏州市 Suzhou City
  • Picture of 苏州市 Suzhou City
  • Picture of 苏州市 Suzhou City
  • Picture of 苏州市 Suzhou City
  • Picture of 苏州市 Suzhou City
  • Picture of 苏州市 Suzhou City
  • Picture of 苏州市 Suzhou City
  • Picture of 苏州市 Suzhou City
  • Picture of 苏州市 Suzhou City
  • Picture of 苏州市 Suzhou City
  • Picture of 苏州市 Suzhou City
  • Picture of 苏州市 Suzhou City
  • Picture of 苏州市 Suzhou City
  • Picture of 苏州市 Suzhou City
  • Picture of 苏州市 Suzhou City
  • Picture of 苏州市 Suzhou City
  • Picture of 苏州市 Suzhou City
  • Picture of 苏州市 Suzhou City
  • Picture of 苏州市 Suzhou City
  • Picture of 苏州市 Suzhou City
  • Picture of 苏州市 Suzhou City
  • Picture of 苏州市 Suzhou City
  • Picture of 苏州市 Suzhou City
  • Picture of 苏州市 Suzhou City
  • Picture of 苏州市 Suzhou City
  • Picture of 苏州市 Suzhou City
  • Picture of 苏州市 Suzhou City
  • Picture of 苏州市 Suzhou City
  • Picture of 苏州市 Suzhou City
  • Picture of 苏州市 Suzhou City
  • Picture of 苏州市 Suzhou City
  • Picture of 苏州市 Suzhou City
  • Picture of 苏州市 Suzhou City
  • Picture of 苏州市 Suzhou City
  • Picture of 苏州市 Suzhou City
  • Picture of 苏州市 Suzhou City
  • Picture of 苏州市 Suzhou City
  • Picture of 苏州市 Suzhou City
  • Picture of 苏州市 Suzhou City
  • Picture of 苏州市 Suzhou City
  • Picture of 苏州市 Suzhou City
  • Picture of 苏州市 Suzhou City
  • Picture of 苏州市 Suzhou City
  • Picture of 苏州市 Suzhou City
  • Picture of 苏州市 Suzhou City
  • Picture of 苏州市 Suzhou City
  • Picture of 苏州市 Suzhou City
  • Picture of 苏州市 Suzhou City
  • Picture of 苏州市 Suzhou City
  • Picture of 苏州市 Suzhou City
  • Picture of 苏州市 Suzhou City
  • Picture of 苏州市 Suzhou City
  • Picture of 苏州市 Suzhou City
  • Picture of 苏州市 Suzhou City
  • Picture of 苏州市 Suzhou City
  • Picture of 苏州市 Suzhou City
  • Picture of 苏州市 Suzhou City
  • Picture of 苏州市 Suzhou City
  • Picture of 苏州市 Suzhou City
  • Picture of 苏州市 Suzhou City
  • Picture of 苏州市 Suzhou City
image of a group of Mongolian gersimage of dunes near Baotou city

Enjoy the wide 希拉穆仁草原Xilamuren grassland, the huge dunes of 响沙湾Xiangshawan, and the ancient Wall of the Qin state in 内蒙古Neimenggu (Inner Mongolia).

image of Wudangshan temple

The extraordinary temple complex in 湖北Hubei's legendary Daoist mountains - the source of much of China's famed 功夫Gongfu tradition.

image of people on a boat in the Three Gorges area of the Changjiang river area

See the 三峡Three Gorges of the 长江Changjiang (Yangzi River) between 重庆市Chongqing city and 宜昌Yichang.

My translations of some Chinese poems.

Travelogues and travel notes.

image of Tiananmen gateimage of the seventeen arch bridge in Yiheyuan

Walk through Beijing's great attractions -- 故宫Gugong (The Palace Museum), 天坛Tiantan (Temple of Heaven), 天坛天安门广场Tiananmen Square, 颐和园Yiheyuan (Summer Palace).

clay figure of 钟馗 Zhong Kui

Arts and Crafts that I bought along my travels.

image of Tulufan's Emin MinaretPortriat of a Uygur girl in 二堡乡 Erbaoxiang

See 吐鲁番Tulufan's well-known attractions -- 苏公塔Sugonta (Emin Minaret), 高昌城Gaochang Ruins, and 火焰山Huoyan Shan (Flaming Mountains).

trucks on the desert road

Pictures I took while on a bus traveling through the sandy deserts of 甘肃Gansu on my way to 嘉峪关Jiayuguan.

image of Great Wallimage of Great Wall

The 万里长城Great Wall from the shining 渤海Bohai sea to the Gobi desert west — 山海关Shanhaiguan (Shanhai Pass) to 嘉峪关Jiayuguan (Jiayu Pass).

image of Pingyao streetimage of the main gate tower to the Chang family's compound and gardern

The compounds and manors of the extreme wealthy in 山西Shanxi's small towns and villages. See the old town of 平遥Pingyao with well-preserved Ming and Qing city wall and street layout.

上海 shanghai skyline苏州园林 suzhou gardernUygur lady and tourist boat in 天池 Tianchi

Selected pictures from my 3-month travel through China during the summer of 2006.

image of Jiayuguan fort

嘉峪关Jiayuguan (Jiayu Pass) - the lone fort at the edges of the desolate and bare Gobi desert. It is at once both a timeless symbol of human's uncompromising reach and an otherworldly mirage.

image of an old man looking toward Shanghai\'s 浦东 Pudong skylineShanghai\'s 浦东 Pudong skyline

上海Shanghai: Today, the financial center of China as well as one of its cultural centers. Fashion lovers, misfits, intelectuals, dreamers, refugees, outcasts, and outlaws alike rush to Shanghai for its haven and riches. You come to Shanghai not for any historical attractions, but rather for the city itself -- its interactions of all things good and bad that generate hot gossips.