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location map of Dingbian County

Detail: 定边县的位置Location of Dingbian County -- yellow arrow. Click on image for full map.

Region: 陕西Shaanxi

定边县图片Dingbian County Pictures

  • Picture of 定边县 Dingbian County

    The landmark 鼓楼Drum Tower of Dingbian county.

  • Picture of 定边县 Dingbian County

    Dingbian's 鼓楼Drum Tower sits on the less developed southern part of the town where the thick mud walls divided the streets. Many locals wandered in the area, like this man taking a cigarette break.

  • Picture of 定边县 Dingbian County

    The imposing 牌坊Memorial Arch or Gateway of Dingbian county. An attractive area for two women vendors selling fruits.

  • Picture of 定边县 Dingbian County

    The grand archway spans one of the thoroughfares of Dingbian town.

  • Picture of 定边县 Dingbian County

    One of the small old streets near the 鼓楼Drum Tower.

  • Picture of 定边县 Dingbian County

    Dingbian's ladies on the move in latest fashion.

  • Picture of 定边县 Dingbian County

    Children cooling off in the shade. Dingbian is in the 黄土高原Ordos region, right on the edge of the 戈壁 (大漠)Gobi Desert, so the town is hot and dry.

  • Picture of 定边县 Dingbian County

    A girl in one of the sparse streets beside the mud walls.

  • Picture of 定边县 Dingbian County

    A small alley between the thick mud walls of Dingbian county. A few hostels were dug into the walls. I should have checked out the rooms.

  • Picture of 定边县 Dingbian County

    A family walking down this quiet and desolate street. The whole town is synonymous with wall.

  • Picture of 定边县 Dingbian County

    The giant mud walls are here sliced to make way for houses.

  • Picture of 定边县 Dingbian County

    Another lonely street beside the mighty mud walls.

  • Picture of 定边县 Dingbian County

    The streets are not much better than the nearby deserts.

  • Picture of 定边县 Dingbian County

    The usable mud walls are usually layered with mud bricks.

  • Picture of 定边县 Dingbian County

    One of the main streets in the downtown area.

  • Picture of 定边县 Dingbian County

    Believe it or not: this dugged-out channel was once a giant mud wall. While I was there, I witnessed a few of these great walls, that had defined the town for centuries, in the process of being flattened.

  • Picture of 定边县 Dingbian County

    Downtown Dingbian. A few houses in the walled area. One of which is a pork shop.

  • Picture of 定边县 Dingbian County

    A section of a giant mud wall remains like a hideous monster that needs to be cover.

  • Picture of 定边县 Dingbian County

    The northern border of Dingbian.

  • Picture of 定边县 Dingbian County

    Grazing lamps in the northwest town's desert-like area. Not far from here I came across a few gravestones.

  • Picture of 定边县 Dingbian County

    In the past, the great wall must have extended into the town. Here you see the sand and wind blasted wall trying to keep an appearance for another decade.

image of Jiayuguan fort

嘉峪关Jiayuguan (Jiayu Pass) - the lone fort at the edges of the desolate and bare Gobi desert. It is at once both a timeless symbol of human's uncompromising reach and an otherworldly mirage.

image of people on a boat in the Three Gorges area of the Changjiang river area

See the 三峡Three Gorges of the 长江Changjiang (Yangzi River) between 重庆市Chongqing city and 宜昌Yichang.

image of a group of Mongolian gersimage of dunes near Baotou city

Enjoy the wide 希拉穆仁草原Xilamuren grassland, the huge dunes of 响沙湾Xiangshawan, and the ancient Wall of the Qin state in 内蒙古Neimenggu (Inner Mongolia).